Sunflower Stay Wild Moon Child Tank Top

Sunflower Stay Wild Moon Child Shirt
Lasted for over a month and 2 rounds of antibiotics. I'm not saying the flu shot did that. What I'm saying is for me, it was like the time I ate cheese popcorn out of a tin can and then threw up for a day and half. I really don't blame the  cheese popcorn for the stomach flu, but it was the last thing I ate before I got sick and now I won't touch popcorn out of a can. It's really just I can't get past that happened, and I just can't bring myself to get another. I don't get vaccinated now because I was vaccinated multiple times growing up and obviously they have not kept or helped. Just pumping more diseases into me to get more diseases my body can't handle, yet I roam freely and don't even get the flu now I don't even have the flu vaccine.
Review Sunflower Stay Wild Moon Child Tank Top
I can't give you any scientific stuff. Just anecdotal. I've never gotten the flu shot. And the last time I had the flu was when Saw the movie came out on DVD. I remember because my fever kept me up all night thinking about that scary, nasty bathroom they were held in. It was a whole thing. Yes because they only have a Sunflower Stay Wild Moon Child Tank Top 10-50% efficacy rate vaccines for other diseases have way higher rates than that and I have had the flu it’s terrible for a few days but I stay home it’s less terrible than a bad sinus infection for me as a healthy adult it is upsetting to me when people go to work that provides 2 weeks of sick days plus personal days. I don't get it because I'm a reasonably healthy adult. Vaccines are fantastic for children, elderly, and at-risk persons.
