Obama Lovin’ Nra Fightin’ Latte Sippin’ Yoga Practicin’ Npr Listenin’ Flamin’ Liberal Tee

Obama Lovin’ Nra Fightin’ Latte Sippin’ Yoga Practicin’ Npr Listenin’ Flamin’ Liberal Shirt
This is Obama Lovin’ Nra Fightin’ Latte Sippin’ Yoga Practicin’ Npr Listenin’ Flamin’ Liberal Tee an extremely touchy subject is the reality, no one really knows except maybe the drug manufacturers out there hiding important information. I pray that Jimmy Kimmels new baby and anyone else with children to young to vaccinate, does not get the measles. That said, I pray that no vaccinated children get autism and any of the neurological disorders they are finding that have come from vaccines. Is that why 70% of doctors and nurses refuse the flu vaccine, because they think its good for them. Hypocrites, the lot of you, just paid shills of the trillion dollar pharmaceutical industry. Many of these childhood diseases were almost eradicated, but are on the rise again because of the growing belief that vaccinations do more harm than good.
Review Obama Lovin’ Nra Fightin’ Latte Sippin’ Yoga Practicin’ Npr Listenin’ Flamin’ Liberal Tee
As for myself, and most other healthcare workers, we are required to have all of our childhood vaccinations and/or titers to check our immunity. In all good conscious, we could not or would not take the risk of exposing 100s of ill and immunocompromised people that are there to get healed. There are Obama Lovin’ Nra Fightin’ Latte Sippin’ Yoga Practicin’ Npr Listenin’ Flamin’ Liberal Tee already enough nosocomial infections/superbugs going around as it is. I would imagine we will soon enough find out how many previously immunized will find out they are compromised when they become exposed to someone else that has not been vaccinated and has contracted the measles or mumps or any other disease. Like keep their mouth shut if they think the money train will stop, create things we dont need but make us think we need them so we buy them. As for affairs and the whole Russian thing, those things come out because of either someone with money has a grudge and will do anything to bring down a rival.
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