I Solemnly Swear I’m Up To Some Shenanigans Malarkey Managed Tee

I was intrigued by the bit at the end of the article about ambassadors, where the feminine means the ambassador's wife. So my life and that of everyone else who has language limitations suddenly got a whole lot more I Solemnly Swear I’m Up To Some Shenanigans Malarkey Managed Tee complicated. Socially yet more eggshells to walk on.
Surely gendered words say nothing about the object itself. A table or chair is not given gendered attributes because they are one or un. Being la police doesn't make those chaps effeminate. Being le médécin doesn't make my lady doctor butch and now there will be a confusion of we call her la médécine. Surely it would have been simpler and more logical to just give all professions one gender and be done with it. With the number of children failing in school and adults functionally illiterate we just don't need this. 
Review I Solemnly Swear I’m Up To Some Shenanigans Malarkey Managed Tee
The society is too anchored into male domination. This campaign will only be considered as fashion to meet current debates. It won't change deeply anchored thoughts and beliefs.
Some things in languages are implicit in order to aid the flow of speech and avoid cumbersome verbiage eg mankind includes women, it is not necessary to also say womankind. Women were designed to be wives and mothers. They were designed to cultivate the I Solemnly Swear I’m Up To Some Shenanigans Malarkey Managed Tee feminine qualities that make them attractive to men. Women who deny their natural role become biologically redundant.
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I don't trust the government, and that's saying something because you've seen the food I consider trustworthy enough to eat. This isn’t the first time a Nigerian has done something positive. Despite a few greedy ones trying to ruin our image, my country is one of the most loving and hardworking, our major problem is our greedy and selfish leaders. I understand how you feel.
